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How the Smart Warning System works

One of the main concerns that appear when consider buying the elephant door wireless alarm for an apartment is whether it will respond to knocking on the door. None of us would like to hear the alarm siren activated by a postman knocking on the door!   The elephant door...

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Pet Friendly Super-alarm

We all love our home pets. They are like family members to us, they are our best friends during the good times as well as during the bad times. They are the keepers of our secrets, and when we fall asleep - the perfect 'pillows' :) We cherish the moments spent with them...

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How loud is elephant door™ alarm?

The best defense against the burglars is prevention. That's why the alarm siren of elephant door ™ smart security system is so loud. Siren sound over 110 dB will scare the burglar away! In addition to this, your neighbors will surely hear it. Their interest and quick...

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The alarm that knows more than any other

One of the most important functions of elephant door™ is that it warns against burglary and allows it to be avoided. A burglar needn’t get inside for the alarm to be activated. Even an attempted break-in sets off a buzzer with a volume of over 110dB! As a result, the...

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Design makes a great impression

In creating the elephant door™ smart alarm system our primary goal was to combine functionality and great design. All this for the effectiveness of the device and user comfort. Recently we introduced two significant changes.

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How is Elephant Door changing?

Changes? Sure, but only for the better! – this statement perfectly reflects our way of thinking, not just in terms of product development, but also in everyday life. As a result, we're not afraid to turn the world upside down, to question our own ideas (even the best...

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Design matters

Form or function? Several years ago, when choosing household equipment, we were often faced with this dilemma. Today the market is much more flexible, adapted to the various expectations of its customers. In conjunction with the development of technology, anything is...

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